- RBT published the "COVID-19 Country Wise" WebPart on Kentico Marketplace
- RBT CTO addresses ‘Win Big with Digital Transformation’ workshops by NASSCOM
- Mr. Prajnajit at NASSCOM SME CIO Connect 2019 at Gurugram
- RBT publishes critical “COVID-19 Statistics” webpart on Kentico Marketplace
- AIBridge ML adds handwriting and image recognition capabilities to aiMunshi, the popular financial d
- Interactive technical Q&A session with technology leaders
- Free seminar on Data Analytics for SMEs
- RBT at NASSCOM product connect on accelerating sales
- RBT adds Link Button in Kentico marketplace
- Ray Business Technologies Private Limited Renews CMMI Level 3 Certification
- RBT receives a special mention at WCIT India 2018 a NASSCOM event
- RBT published Picture tag module
- RBT published Kentico template for Banking Domain
- RBT published Kentico template for Healthcare
- Ray Business Technologies published Kentico template for E-commerce portals
- Ray Business Technologies & Kentico teamed up for "Project 24" - World Water Day 2018
- RBT Campus Drive at Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal
- RBT conducts successful Campus Drive at KIST Bhubaneswar
- RBT Campus Drive at Avanthi Engineering College
- RBT attends K-Global India 2018
- Mr. Prajnajit at NASSCOM SME Connect 2019 held at Hyderabad
- NASSCOM SME Connect Session 2019 at Hyderabad
- Ray Business Technologies CEO at Boomi World Tour Sydney
- NASSCOM SME Workshop on Digital Transformation
- Ray Business Technologies CEO delivers Interactive Session on Cloud and AI at ISB
- Ray Business Technologies at NASSCOM Product Conclave 2019
- Ray Business Technologies adds Google Map widget into Kentico marketplace
- As a part of its CSR initiative, Ray Business Technologies distributed blankets to the needy
- Ray Business Technologies conducts CSR campaign to donate Essential Items
- Ray Business Technologies conducts CSR Campaign for Orphaned Kids
- Ray Business Technologies inaugurates New Office in Perth, Australia
- Ray Business Technologies in the Jury for JNTU-HUB "Women Safety" Hackathon League
- Ray Business Technologies has won some loyal connections at Loyalty Expo 2018
- Ray Business Technologies expands in Asia-Pacific with Sydney office
- Ray Business Technologies is now a Boomi Implementation Partner
- Ray Business Technologies publishes YouTube video component to Kentico marketplace
- Ray Business Technologies is now Microsoft Gold Partner
- Ray Business Technologies is now member of Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC)
- Ray Business Technologies adds Editable Image widget to Kentico marketplace
- Ray Business Technologies at World AI Show 2019 in Bangkok
- Ray Business Technologies attends SUGCON 2018 India!
- Ray Business Technologies at Sitecore Symposium 2018
- Ray Business Technologies at Microsoft Inspire 2019 in Las Vegas
- Ray Business Technologies at Kentico Day Dubai 2018
- Ray Business Technologies at Kentico Connection 2019 in Melbourne
- Ray Business Technologies at Kentico Connection 2018
- Ray Business Technologies at Kentico Connection 2019 in Denver
- Ray Business Technologies at IBS ICOMBS 2019 Hyderabad as the Title Sponsor
- Ray Business Technologies founder Ajay Ray was Jury Member for HYSEA Annual Product/Startup Awards 2
- Ray Business Technologies attends Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2016
- Ray Business Technologies at 27th Annual Innovation Summit & Awards 2019
May 16th, 2014, Raybiztech is kentico Gold Partner has the largest team of Kentico Certified Devloper, is awarded with Kentico Mobile Competency...
May 16th, 2014, Czech Republic / Hyderabad. Ray Business Technologies (“Raybiztech”) is Kentico Gold Partner and has the largest team of Kentico Certified Developers, is awarded with Kentico Mobile Competency after successfully completing a number of Mobile and Handheld Compatible Web Portals and Applications on Kentico CMS. Raybiztech has displayed varying degrees of competence in developing the responsive layouts using leading front-end frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation, for creating beautiful responsive mobile friendly websites.

Raybiztech has demonstrated strong Kentico CMS competence, commitment and investment over the years towards building an excellent Kentico competency. This is useful for customers and other partners to see that they can leverage from Raybiztech’s Kentico CMS expertise. Raybiztech has the largest team of Kentico Certified Developer Team in the world currently.
Kentico Mobile Competency defines company's expertise in mobile technology, and helps customers deciding in finding robust services provider, who having capability to fulfil their business needs. Achieving the Kentico Mobile Competency differentiate themselves as a skilled service provider from the other companies and motivates them to develop websites which are built using Kentico technologies.
After attaining the Kentico Mobile Competency, Raybiztech is looking forward to expanding its services using Kentico technology. The company will enhance its expertise in developing Portal and mobile websites development for small, medium and large organizations.
The company has been working with fortune 500 clients on their, Portals, Intranet and Mobile implementations based on Kentico CMS.