
RealValue is a web based property assessment platform that brings financial institutions or lenders, borrowers and property assessment professionals together. The RealValue system allows brokers, lenders and appraisers to register with the system and offer their services. The appraisal management system integrates the appraisal process for assets. For example, a broker can register an order for appraisal by a licensed appraiser. Based on the appraisal, the lender can choose to lend money to the buyer.
Using RealValue, lenders can get a transparent assessment of the property and its value so that they can manage the lending. Borrowers can get assessment for their properties that will be useful in establishing a value for their properties.
RealValue has great features for:
Appraiser Registration and Management
- The system will allow for an appraiser to register
- An appraiser can review his work items (orders) and upload files
- A search screen will allow him to search for orders
- He will be able to send emails
- Appraiser can attach notes to the order
- Admin will assign orders to appraiser
- Admin will be able to create an appraiser
- A email will be sent whenever an order is assigned to the appraiser
- Admin can set the commission that will be paid to broker for each order
Broker and Lenders
- The system will allow for a broker to register
- The system will generate invoice and enable broker to pay through paypal
- A broker can enter new orders
- Broker will be able to search for orders in the system entered by him
- He will be able to send emails
- A broker can attach notes to the order
- Admin will be able to create broker
- An email is sent whenever an order is updated by appraiser
RealValue also provides invaluable Reports to the Administrator for orders, payouts and the registered brokers’ and appraisers’ details, order status, balance due and payables.
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