RBTiians Rocked the Friday Evening during Live Music Concert

RBTiians-Live-Music-ConcertRBTiians rocked the Friday evening during Live Music concert at our Hyderabad office. It was a great evening with full of Energy, Fun, Dance and togetherness.

RBT believes that productivity keeps increasing when you're happy, refreshed and take a break from your routine work. At RBT, we hold celebrations in order to make our workplace a happier place and encourage employees to approach life and work with greater excitement. Throughout the year, there are a variety of workplace festivities that bring us all together, including our families, to acknowledge and celebrate one other's achievements.

Our employees and their families gathered to celebrate RBT's Rockzz, a Musical event. The activity mainly focused on employees engagement, as they took part in live music concert, dance, laugh, eat, drink. Most importantly have fun with your peers and colleagues.

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