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- Kentico Hierarchical Transformation Layout
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Kentico Hierarchical Transformation Layout
Hierarchical Transformation/Hierarchical Viewer.
How was Hierarchal transformation render on UI.

Hierarchical viewer is pointed to root then let us suppose we have to use UL and Li on UI.

So, here the default behavior of Hierarchical viewer/transformation are.
1. Whenever one item is read then it binds all the sublevel transformation of that particular item and render the UI accordingly.
2. Case 1 is applicable for each and every level.
Special Case in TFC.Tv Project.
Output page.

Content tree.


Implementation done as follows.

We used normal repeater bind the top categories.

If we observe the html, all the item under each category is bonded in <ul> </ul> and the inner child of each item are bonded in separate <div> element. [Which doesn't support with default Hierarchical transformation]

In order to bind that with hierarchical viewer itself we have done the following things.
1. We pointed the Hierarchical Viewer to "Help Center" item of content tree.
2. Transformation are as follows.

Transformation Text:-
1. xHelpCenterLevel0Item
<!--code started-->
<div class='row tab-pane fade {%DataItemIndex==0?"active":""%} in' id="{%NodeID%}" helpDev='{%NodeName%}'>
2. xHelpCenterLevel0Sep
<!--code starts-->
<!--code ends-->
3. xHelpCenterLevel1Header
<!--code starts-->
<ul class="nav nav-tabs inner col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<!--code starts-->
4. xHelpCenterLevel1Item
<!--code started-->
<li class='{%Documents[NodeAliasPath].Parent.Children.FirstItem.NodeGUID == NodeGUID?"active":""|(user)Venkat|(hash)19a2a64b390e5fbe7455c8045c3460f29e94331da8ea28e6e7adc03a2f4005b9%}'><a href="#{%NodeID%}" data-toggle="tab">{%NodeName%}</a></li>
{% if(Documents[NodeAliasPath].Parent.Children.LastItem.NodeGUID == NodeGUID){ %}
<div class="tab-content inner col-sm-8 col-xs-8">
{% foreach (x in Documents[NodeAliasPath].Parent.Children.WithAllData.Where("ClassName='TFCtv.TFCtvPage' AND Published=1").Orderby("NodeOrder")) { %}
<div class='tab-pane fade {%Documents[x.NodeAliasPath].Parent.Children.WithAllData.Where("ClassName='TFCtv.TFCtvPage' AND Published=1").Orderby("NodeOrder").FirstItem.NodeGUID == x.NodeGUID?"active in":""%}' id="{%x.NodeID%}" helpDev='{%x.NodeName%}'>
<div class="panel-group help_acc" id="helpi_accordion">
{%foreach (y in Documents[x.NodeAliasPath].Children.WithAllData.Where("ClassName='TFCtv.TFCtvFAQ' AND Published=1").Orderby("NodeOrder")) { %}
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h4 class="panel-title">
<a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#helpi_accordion" href="#faq{%y.NodeID%}">
<div style="height: 0px;" id="faq{%y.NodeID%}" class="panel-collapse collapse" helpDev='{%y.NodeName%}'>
<div class="panel-body">
{% y.GetValue("Answer")%}
{% } %}
{% } #%}
{% } |(user)Venkat|(hash)276e2dba994121084e35bb7f7dd1d1ca5e11c632f93485c811f057eaa5d37332%}
<!--Code ends-->
Author: Kaleem Pasha
How was Hierarchal transformation render on UI.

Hierarchical viewer is pointed to root then let us suppose we have to use UL and Li on UI.

So, here the default behavior of Hierarchical viewer/transformation are.
1. Whenever one item is read then it binds all the sublevel transformation of that particular item and render the UI accordingly.
2. Case 1 is applicable for each and every level.
Special Case in TFC.Tv Project.
Output page.

Content tree.


Implementation done as follows.

We used normal repeater bind the top categories.

If we observe the html, all the item under each category is bonded in <ul> </ul> and the inner child of each item are bonded in separate <div> element. [Which doesn't support with default Hierarchical transformation]

In order to bind that with hierarchical viewer itself we have done the following things.
1. We pointed the Hierarchical Viewer to "Help Center" item of content tree.
2. Transformation are as follows.

Transformation Text:-
1. xHelpCenterLevel0Item
<!--code started-->
<div class='row tab-pane fade {%DataItemIndex==0?"active":""%} in' id="{%NodeID%}" helpDev='{%NodeName%}'>
2. xHelpCenterLevel0Sep
<!--code starts-->
<!--code ends-->
3. xHelpCenterLevel1Header
<!--code starts-->
<ul class="nav nav-tabs inner col-sm-4 col-xs-4">
<!--code starts-->
4. xHelpCenterLevel1Item
<!--code started-->
<li class='{%Documents[NodeAliasPath].Parent.Children.FirstItem.NodeGUID == NodeGUID?"active":""|(user)Venkat|(hash)19a2a64b390e5fbe7455c8045c3460f29e94331da8ea28e6e7adc03a2f4005b9%}'><a href="#{%NodeID%}" data-toggle="tab">{%NodeName%}</a></li>
{% if(Documents[NodeAliasPath].Parent.Children.LastItem.NodeGUID == NodeGUID){ %}
<div class="tab-content inner col-sm-8 col-xs-8">
{% foreach (x in Documents[NodeAliasPath].Parent.Children.WithAllData.Where("ClassName='TFCtv.TFCtvPage' AND Published=1").Orderby("NodeOrder")) { %}
<div class='tab-pane fade {%Documents[x.NodeAliasPath].Parent.Children.WithAllData.Where("ClassName='TFCtv.TFCtvPage' AND Published=1").Orderby("NodeOrder").FirstItem.NodeGUID == x.NodeGUID?"active in":""%}' id="{%x.NodeID%}" helpDev='{%x.NodeName%}'>
<div class="panel-group help_acc" id="helpi_accordion">
{%foreach (y in Documents[x.NodeAliasPath].Children.WithAllData.Where("ClassName='TFCtv.TFCtvFAQ' AND Published=1").Orderby("NodeOrder")) { %}
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h4 class="panel-title">
<a class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#helpi_accordion" href="#faq{%y.NodeID%}">
<div style="height: 0px;" id="faq{%y.NodeID%}" class="panel-collapse collapse" helpDev='{%y.NodeName%}'>
<div class="panel-body">
{% y.GetValue("Answer")%}
{% } %}
{% } #%}
{% } |(user)Venkat|(hash)276e2dba994121084e35bb7f7dd1d1ca5e11c632f93485c811f057eaa5d37332%}
<!--Code ends-->
Author: Kaleem Pasha
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