Selenium Test Automation Framework
Ray Business Technologies Framework Architecture
For any Software application, architecture forms the foundation. To handle the desired functions efficiently and effectively, it should be robust enough. The goal is to develop an application independent reusable framework that can be used directly across any application without spending any extra time on it in this approach. It is important to define the components and its functionalities, as well as the binding relationship between them in order to make all the components of the system work in sync.

Architecture Explanation
Page Objects |
Contains page objects of each page in the application. |
App Modules |
Contains independent scripts that represent the modules. |
Utility |
Contains the event model, date and time facilities, miscellaneous utility classes. |
Test Data |
Contains Test Data for regression/retesting. |
Test suite |
Contains Test cases of each module. |
Lib (optional) |
Contains all Jars which needs for the Framework. |
TestNG-xmls |
Contains all xml files to run TestNG framework. |
Excel Results |
Contains the Excel reports of executed Test cases. |
Html Reports |
Contains HTML reports of Automated Test cases. This html report describes the test cases which were executed and each test case will have the test steps with a screenshot. So when we look at the report we could see number of test cases passed and number of test cases failed and where/why it got failed. |