IT Infrastructure Management
IT Organizations are increasingly being asked to provide improved levels of Service to the business. For many, delivering Service Levels to the Business presents many challenges, from ever tightening Budgets, difficulty in retaining Technical Expertise, and constantly evolving Technology; to Project Planning, System Outages, and evolving Business Requirements.
The IT Staff needs more than ever to be focused on the delivery of Value to the Business, of Enabling the Enterprise Wide Delivery of Service.
Raybiztech IT Infrastructure Management Services – The Value Proposition
Raybiztech's IT Infrastructure Management Services offers a Flexible and Scalable Solution that can be rapidly deployed, allowing for the realization of true Business Benefit and Value. The Benefits and Value achieved include:
Accelerated System Implementation resulting in faster time to Productivity Elevated Level of Customer Satisfaction
- Enhanced IT capabilities through Automation and Infrastructure Management Allows for Focus on Organization’s Core and Strategic Initiatives Allows for Re-deployment of Personnel
- Allows for Single Point of Contact and Ownership
- Maximized Productivity and System Performance
- Reduced Operating Costs
- Improved ROI
- Reduced Capital and Personnel Requirements
- Reduced Risk
- Reduced Service Disruptions and Downtime
Outsourcing the Management and Support of Business Critical Applications not only provides both Cost and Time savings, but also allows for increased focus on the Core Business Activities.
Raybiztech experts assist in the selection of the right IT Infrastructure Services model that will provide your organization the most value and realize the most cost savings from the Operational efficiencies of the Organization.
Our Accessibility & Usability Consulting offerings are:
Raybiztech IT Infrastructure Management Services - Operational Model and Team Structure
Raybiztech utilizes a unique Operational and Delivery Model which is Process and Structure driven. With this innovative Model and corresponding Methodologies, Raybiztech is at the leading edge of Service in terms of Client Satisfaction, Reduced ramp-up time, all of which is independent of domain and technology. The Model handles technology and domain as a plug-in to the System. The diagram below illustrates the Organization and the flow of Work via this Model.