How to use Module builder in Sitefinity

A module builder can be used to create additional modules. For instance, if you want to store frequently asked questions or press releases, you can create a module. Additionally, when you create a module, you can select the fields it should contain.

Follow these steps to create module:
Step 1: Dashboard > Administration > Module builder > click on create module > give  name > description about name > click continue


Step 2: Give content type name (singular of name or both are equal) (required)
             give developer name of this content type(required) 
             give parent content type name(not required) 
             add a field 
             select content identifier from the dropdwon(which are created by you) 
             select advanced and check (if u required permission for create/ delete/ modify items or tags)


Step 3: Click on finish 
Step 4: Click on activate this module if you want to use this module
Step 5: Now Go to Content > select your content type > select create > give a name > click on publish.


Step 6: Now go to pages in edit mode (in which page you want to use this module) from right side drag and drop your content type from your module
Step 7: publish the page.



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