Zbar Qt Application ON PC
Bar code reading Application using Qt and Zbar
About Qt
Qt is the leading C++ based cross-platform UI and software application development framework used by over 500,000 developers worldwide.
Bar codes
A bar code is an optically machine-readable label that is attached to an item and that records information related to that item.
QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix bar code (or two-dimensional bar code). The QR and Bar codes can be read by any embedded device with QR and Bar code reader application.
Features of this application
- This application is developed using Qt.
- This application is a Bar code and QR scanner that allows user to scan multiple types of bar codes and QR codes.
- Provides user-friendly interface.
- Can scan on x86 and ARM based systems.
- Very accurate and quick.
- Reads Bar code, Universal Product Code (UPC-A and UPC-E), International Article Number (EAN).
- Scans and Read QR codes in real-time using the Intex, Microsoft HD, CSI and MIPI cameras.
- Radio buttons "Qr Code" and "Bard Code" allows user to select which code to be scanned.
- Allows user to scan static images and through video streams.
- A "Home" button allows user to go to home window any time where he can change his selection.
- A "Clear" button allows to clear the scanned results in the text box.
- "Scan" button allows user to scan the selected bar code or QR images.
Using the application
- Build the application for the desired platform.
- Run the application on that platform.
Our achievements
- Building of Qt4 for IMX6 SABRELITE board.
- Compiling the application for x86 and ARM platforms.
- Using OV5640 MIPI, OV5642 CSI, Microsoft HD Cam, Intex cameras for scanning the bar codes and QR codes.
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