Open Webos on IMX6

Open Webos:
Open WebOS, also known as webOS, is a Linux operating system for smart TVs, and formerly a mobile operating system. Open webOS is the next generation of web-centric platforms built to run on a wide range of form factors. 

As a web-centric platform, Open webOS provides developers with the foundation to innovate using the latest web technologies. It features an intuitive user experience that can be used on all types of devices.

Navigation uses multi-touch gestures on the touchscreen. The interface uses "cards" to manage multitasking and represent apps. The user switches between running applications by a flicking gesture from left and right on the screen. Applications are closed by flicking a "card" up—and "off"—the screen. The application "cards" can be rearranged for organization. In WebOS 2.0 introduced Stacks, where related cards could be "stacked" together.

Over the air (OTA) updates:
The OS could be updated without docking to a PC, instead receiving OS updates over the carrier connection. Synergy Palm referred to integration of information from many sources as "Synergy". Users can sign into multiple email accounts from different providers and integrate all of these sources into a single list. Similar capabilities pull together calendars and also instant messages and SMS text messages from multiple sources.

The notification area is located on the bottom portion of the screen on phones, and on the top status bar area on tablets.

On phones, when a notification comes in, it slides in from the bottom of the screen. Due to the resizable nature of the Mojo and Enyo application frameworks, the app usually resizes itself to allow unhindered use while the notification is displayed. After the notification slides away, it usually remains as an icon. The user can then tap on the icons to expand them. Notifications can then be dismissed (sliding off the screen), acted upon (tapping), or left alone.

By default, data synchronization uses a cloud-based approach rather than using a desktop sync client, but various third-party sync clients are available.[citation needed] The first version of WebOS shipped with the ability to sync with Apple's iTunes software by masquerading as an Apple device, but this feature was disabled by subsequent software updates from Apple.

How to use it:

  • Format sd card with ext4 format.
  • Untar rootfs by using following command

 # tar -xvjf Webos-rootfs.tar.bz2 -C /path-to-sdcard-mount/roots/

Note: Insert sd card into board & turn on board.

Connect USB keyboard, Nit6X_800x480 touch screen display, power supply & Ethernet Cable.

Don't connect HDMI Display.


In this Webos rootfs auto login is enabled on tty1(no need to login)

To Launch Webos GUI run following command,

$ LunaSysMgr -t -c

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