Jun 29

By Vasu Yerramsetti

Troubleshooting Guide: Resolving Installation Issues in Sitecore Experience Platform/Experience Manager 10.2.0

5 Reasons Why Your Company Should Use an ERP System

This will helps you how to resolve he following errors while installation of Sitecore Experience Manger 10.2.0.

Error #1: A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.)

This will happen while install Sitecore Experience Platform 10.2.0.

Issue comes the xConnect scripts in the xconnect-xp0.json file and in this file having 4 InvokeSqlcmd configured in this json file that look like this.

"CreateShardApplicationDatabaseServerLoginInvokeSqlCmd": {
            "Description": "Create Collection Shard Database Server Login.",
            "Type": "InvokeSqlcmd",
            "Params": {
                "ServerInstance": "[parameter('SqlServer')]",
                    "Credential": "[variable('Sql.Credential')]",
                "InputFile": "[variable('Sharding.SqlCmd.Path.CreateShardApplicationDatabaseServerLogin')]",
                "Variable": [
            "Skip": "[or(parameter('SkipDatabaseInstallation'),parameter('Update'))]"
        "CreateShardManagerApplicationDatabaseUserInvokeSqlCmd": {
            "Description": "Create Collection Shard Manager Database User.",
            "Type": "InvokeSqlcmd",
            "Params": {
                "ServerInstance": "[parameter('SqlServer')]",
                 "Credential": "[variable('Sql.Credential')]",
                "Database": "[variable('Sql.Database.ShardMapManager')]",
                "InputFile": "[variable('Sharding.SqlCmd.Path.CreateShardManagerApplicationDatabaseUser')]",
                "Variable": [
            "Skip": "[or(parameter('SkipDatabaseInstallation'),parameter('Update'))]"
        "CreateShard0ApplicationDatabaseUserInvokeSqlCmd": {
            "Description": "Create Collection Shard 0 Database User.",
            "Type": "InvokeSqlcmd",
            "Params": {
                "ServerInstance": "[parameter('SqlServer')]",
                "Credential": "[variable('Sql.Credential')]",
                "Database": "[variable('Sql.Database.Shard0')]",
                "InputFile": "[variable('Sharding.SqlCmd.Path.CreateShardApplicationDatabaseUser')]",

"Variable": [
            "Skip": "[or(parameter('SkipDatabaseInstallation'),parameter('Update'))]"
        "CreateShard1ApplicationDatabaseUserInvokeSqlCmd": {
            "Description": "Create Collection Shard 1 Database User.",
            "Type": "InvokeSqlcmd",
            "Params": {
                "ServerInstance": "[parameter('SqlServer')]",
                "Credential": "[variable('Sql.Credential')]",
                "Database": "[variable('Sql.Database.Shard1')]",
                "InputFile": "[variable('Sharding.SqlCmd.Path.CreateShardApplicationDatabaseUser')]",
                "Variable": [
            "Skip": "[or(parameter('SkipDatabaseInstallation'),parameter('Update'))]"

Sitecore installation using encrypted connection to MS SQL Server like it is using self-signed certification that is not to be trusted.
Resolution is –
First delete your failed Sitecore instance.
Now you just add this "TrustServerCertificate": true, into 4 database calls after ServiceInstance statement on xconnect-xp0.json file.
Run again your installation.
Error #2: Error requesting https://sc102xmcm.dev.local/sitecore/admin/PopulateManagedSchema.aspx?indexes=all: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
This will happen due to not installed URL Rewrite module in IIS while install Sitecore Experience Management 10.2.0.
Resolution is –
First delete your failed Sitecore instance.
Install URL Re-write module for IIS from https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite
Run again your installation.


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