Aug 31

By Venkat Boosa

Why Sitecore is the best approach for regulated industries?

5 Reasons Why Your Company Should Use an ERP System

When it comes to managing their web presence, regulated industries such as healthcare and life sciences, pharmaceuticals, financial services, energy, oil and gas, and telecommunications have a particular set of obstacles.

Companies in these industries must examine much more than clever marketing features when selecting a Web Content Management System (CMS). These industries must select a platform that not only advances their client experience through great marketing capabilities, but also provides them with all of the tools they require to efficiently meet all of their compliance obligations.

This is when Sitecore enters the picture. To assist decision-makers in these industries in selecting a CMS platform, we've compiled a list of five reasons why we believe the Sitecore CMS is the best option for regulated businesses.

Sitecore is a linked customer experience platform with a lot of features. You can do a lot more with your online content than merely maintain it. You have the following features right out of the box:

  • Tracking and analytics
  • Personalisation
  • Building marketing campaigns
  • Content optimisation
  • Gaining a single view of individual customers

You can develop, deliver, and optimise an end-to-end customer experience with Sitecore that includes acquisition, nurturing, conversion, retention, and advocacy.

Sitecore offers Multi-Site Content Management

Through its unique ability to set up a content architecture that gives a technique of creating shared templates, modules, and content across several sites, an enterprise CMS like Sitecore provides the finest structure for creating economies of scale.

With Sitecore, a modular architecture allows content to be combined in an unlimited number of ways. Additional sites and/or sections can be quickly built up and deployed thanks to a shared repository of templates and modules. Each site can have its own look and feel, but the basic functionality can be shared across all of them. Having a single Sitecore instance also means that you just have to maintain and upgrade one environment rather than numerous.

Single instance CMS solutions, such as WordPress, on the other hand, are not appropriate for a whole enterprise organisation. These CMS solutions, by definition, require you to create each site as a separate set of pages that must be manually maintained and enhanced.

This forces you to handle several websites manually, page by page, even though they share common assets and must follow the same regulatory rules. This makes corporate governance more difficult while also removing any potential for economies of scale. Furthermore, installing each site on its own separate application instance and/or servers increases the time and effort required to upgrade and maintain a big portfolio of websites. As a result, the total cost of ownership could rise dramatically in the long run.

Code Reuse and Maintenance

Code reuse and maintenance is another important way to achieve economies of scale. By allowing companies to build modules that are designed to be reused on any site, a well architected Sitecore implementation optimizes code re-use and reduces maintenance effort.

Sitecore has also established a set of development best practises known as the "Helix principles," which provide explicit direction on how to build, reuse, scale, and manage your code base over time. The Helix principles assist developers in ensuring that code, modules, and the front-end follow a logical structure and that code is parsed down to smaller increments to maximise its ability to be reused across functions.

Sitecore has Multilingual Translation and Localization Capabilities

Sitecore's multi-language and localization capabilities are simple to set up and even simpler to utilise out of the box. Its versatility enables your content editors to modify pictures and text based on a visitor's cultural environment, not just for targeted language translation but also for targeted content based on area.

A connection can also be used to manage multi-language translations straight from the Sitecore interface. For Sitecore, there are a number of powerful language translation connectors. Globalization Partners International (GPI) and are two that we endorse.

When you use a Sitecore connector to manage various languages on your website, you can choose, obtain a quote, and send content off for translation all without ever leaving Sitecore. When the translation is finished, marketers can quickly import the translated content back into Sitecore and return it to its original location.

This saves your marketers and content managers a lot of time and effort because the translation process doesn't require a tech-savvy person, nor does it necessitate an army of workers manually entering and maintaining the translated information by cutting and pasting from spreadsheets!

User Privacy and Data Regulation

Sitecore makes it simple to create workflows that mimic your organization's existing processes, such as notifications, content audit trails, and content restriction depending on scope.

In addition, Sitecore allows you to build user roles that give different types of users different levels of access and site administration functionality. When you have users with varying levels of technical aptitude and attention to detail, this allows you to maintain legal compliance and brand standards across all of your sites.

If GDPR is a concern, you'll be happy to hear that, as of version 9, Sitecore provides various features and capabilities that can help you stay compliant with the regulations. Identification, removal, and obfuscation of a user's data are among the most important of these capabilities.

Having mechanisms in place to support these efforts is becoming increasingly important when it comes to building and maintaining a website. If any of these themes apply to your firm, make sure you choose a CMS that will help you manage these duties.

Multiple Layers of Security

Sitecore provides multiple layers of protection for your website. To begin with, Sitecore's core design includes specialised security models for separating data from the produced site. Furthermore, Sitecore is built on a secure server environment with a tiered architecture that isolates databases and staging operations behind firewalls and restricts access to them.

We strongly recommend Sitecore to clients in regulated industries that want to provide their customers with a fully secure, hyper-personalized experience — all through a CMS that is simple to use for your entire team and requires no coding knowledge.

Ray Business Technologies specialises in Sitecore implementations and digital marketing solutions and is a trusted Sitecore Certified Solutions provider. We're excited to talk about how we may be of assistance to you. Schedule a time to talk with us right now.

About Ray Business Technologies

Ray Business Technologies is a leading global Information Technology (IT) Services and Solutions, a CMMI Level 3, ISO 27001:2022 Certified Company. We are a Member of NASSCOM, HYSEA, NJTC, and AIIA. Ray Business Technologies offers comprehensive end-to-end IT Services for Business Application Development, Enterprise Solutions, Enterprise Collaboration Services, Testing and Quality Assurance Services, Cloud Computing and IT Infrastructure Management to organizations in the Banking & Finance, Insurance, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Media & Entertainment, Leisure & Travel, Telecom and Energy & Utilities verticals as well as Independent Software Vendors.

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