Kentico EMS: Power Your Marketing Automation

With rising costs and overheads attached with Micro-services, it is high time organizations could have a choice to automate their marketing function with along with their CMS capabilities with a one-stop package. This allows business entities to focus on core functions and a greater emphasis on regulating campaigns in a pinpoint manner.
Kentico EMS has been built to deliver your exact requirements consisting of only the precise marketing tools required, thereby saving you from investing time and money in distinct or disparate third-party tools. An all-in-one solution eliminates the need for separate marketing and CMS micro-services.
Personalize your site content, schedule campaigns, newsletters, and customer forms, by virtue of a reliable Content Management System (CMS) that runs in tandem with sales and marketing capabilities. This will make your system align tasks with a unified strategic vision of sales and revenue targets.
Kentico EMS enables a consolidation of these functions that keep your data and interface well-connected to achieve the desired marketing automation workflow. It will enable you to chalk out and implement a solid strategy that allows you to analyze data, create personas, and direct leads to desired product or service segments - all through a unified single interface. These Kentico EMS capabilities are set to save you from collecting data and collating information generated from diverse and loosely-connected legacy systems.
Kentico EMS drives your marketing automation with a host of crucial benefits:
- One-time cost for all-in-one marketing automation
- Well-integrated CMS tailored to your campaigns
- Seamless data connectivity across web properties
- Efficient conversion tracking and contact management
- Provision for lead scoring and website visitor analytics
- Creation of personas that enable effective segmentation
- Fine-tune marketing strategy with a seamless approach
Kentico EMS would create additional value for your business, whether you are pursuing an upgrade from Kentico CMS or redesigning your website from scratch. It allows you to look beyond the nuances of dealing with disparate systems and focus on a fully versatile approach to market automation and campaign management.