About Ray Business Technologies Pvt Ltd

Ray Business Technologies Pvt Ltd provides IT Services and Solutions to fortune 500 enterprises worldwide. Headquartered in Hyderabad, India, we have several years of experience across different industry verticals globally and strong understanding of the diverse business challenges faced by global enterprises today. Coupled with our thought leadership in IT based Business Process Outsourcing has contributed to the development of Customer-Centric Solutions Model.
Our customer-centric philosophy is further strengthened by a robust Key Account Management process to find more ways to delight our key customers and grow market shares. Our commitment is to provide solutions that translate into tangible business outcomes for our customers.
We also specialize in providing IT Solutions to Sales and Marketing functions for effectively utilizing the available resources and efficiently manage the operations. We are sector-agnostic and offer enterprise portals and content management, marketing resource management (MRM), CRM, and enterprise mobility solutions. Our expertise and deep insights into how IT can be best leveraged in the sales and marketing function coupled with our solutions will ensure that your marketing dollars are better spent.
To know more, please visit www.raybiztech.com