Apr 10

Build New Capabilities with Raybiztech and Dell Boomi

5 Reasons Why Your Company Should Use an ERP System

In today’s world of rapidly emerging technology and IT infrastructure, more businesses recognize the necessity of using more modern technology and infrastructure to strengthen their businesses processes and systems. One cannot expect and fully depend on their IT departments to keep systems running, drive down operational costs all while ensuring that customers remain satisfied by using new technology to make the process of sound business easier.

Why enterprises need to build new capabilities

If you want to stay ahead of your competitors and maintain a successful business model, there is a need to use the tools made available by technology more effectively. A company should actively involve their IT team in the development of strategy and identify the areas that they believe would stand to gain from adopting the use of new technologies to increase efficiency. There is a need to identify and develop a vision and identify the areas of the IT systems that need to be invested in. These are among the first steps to identifying the gaps in IT and what decide on the next steps that need to be taken to develop new capabilities and the processes involved in implementing them.

Modernizing your technology infrastructure

A business can choose to outsource and hire an external firm to help them with the transformation of their IT systems and this is where Raybiztech comes in. We have over 10 years of experience with revolutionizing the way firms approach the use of technology and automation in their business and with Dell Boomi, Raybiztech is more than capable of modernizing your technology infrastructure to enable your firm's workflows and process perform more efficiently.

We use cloud-based platforms and infrastructure like Dell Boomi to drive and reinvent IT in your business by implementing transformation and innovation in a way that uses the platform to handle large volumes of data, simplify your workflow processes and integrates all systems in a way that it is easily accessible by everyone who needs information. Customer relations are made easier and more engaging as they are able to fill forms and carry out other customer related activities with Dell Boomi’s drag and drop feature. The large costs and time spent on executing projects in the pasts are significantly reduced to a minimum and your staff are freed up to attend to other activities that require their knowledge. The risk of losing files and records that your firm faced in the past by having data stored in on-premises servers is also minimized when you migrate to modern technology infrastructure as information is stored in server-less cloud-based systems that can be accessed from different locations and with different devices.


The main goal of modernizing your firm infrastructure is to create new and sustainable capabilities that make your organization more successful and efficient. With the help of Raybiztech, you can designs systems, create new and more efficient workflows and processes that are effective and facilitate improvements throughout the enterprise including satisfying the needs of your customers.

About Raybiztech

Raybiztech is a leading global Information Technology (IT) Services and Solutions, a CMMI Level 3, ISO 27001:2022 Certified Company. We are a Member of NASSCOM, HYSEA, NJTC, and AIIA. Raybiztech offers comprehensive end-to-end IT Services for Business Application Development, Enterprise Solutions, Enterprise Collaboration Services, Testing and Quality Assurance Services, Cloud Computing and IT Infrastructure Management to organizations in the Banking & Finance, Insurance, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Media & Entertainment, Leisure & Travel, Telecom and Energy & Utilities verticals as well as Independent Software Vendors.

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