Kentico leverages Blockchain for content authentication and security
Kentico has consistently improved its offerings with more advanced technologies that enable encryption of data, detecting fake content, authorizing digital signatures, and detecting copyright infringements. Kentico aims at addressing privacy issues down the line by leveraging Blockchain-as-a-service capabilities that can essentially work based on cryptographic principles. In terms of scaling capacity, Blockchain is termed as ‘self-defeating’, due to its extensive capabilities across domains and service areas.
Blockchain: Feasibility and Adoption
The Blockchain essentially refers to blocks of connected data that are secured with hashing mechanisms. A new block will contain some of the previous block’s hash data, so an interconnected chain is formed. A steady growth powered with R & D has facilitated development of Blockchain models along with proof of concepts for their usage in securing data and administering digital content rights. Kentico has been developing Blockchain capabilities based on a roadmap and clearly defined goals. This is directed at successfully enriching the platform with path-breaking security and privacy protocols driven by Blockchain.
Kentico is gradually bringing its architecture in line with the Blockchain technology aimed at enterprise-wide management of digital signatures and content security. Blockchain will see wider leverage and more comprehensive implementation a couple of years down the line, top executives at Kentico Software emphasized.
Data Authority and Security
Blockchain runs compliance and regulatory checks by moving away from centralized control of data that is in the hands of specific identifiable actors, to a decentralized arrangement, so that all processing checks are carried efficiently at each node. By leveraging a specialized Blockchain platform such as Ethereum, Kentico would be able to secure content as well as regulate data and copyrights diligently, while preventing external actors or players from making unauthorized intrusions.
Authenticating Content Creators
Kentico will leverage Blockchain-specific components that identify sources of information shared by content creators on the platform, and grant approval to those sources in a cloud-based approach. The content matching quality standards is then retained across the CMS Blockchain. The system can also identify bad actors and effectively reward individuals for posting verified content. Fake news is identified by several methods such as cross-checking with fellow authors, polling, or crowdsourcing.
Tracking Digital Rights
Blockchain networks are self-auditing to a great extent. As such, the network verifies the data generated across the Kentico-based CMS quite rapidly. The same manner as crypto-currencies involve packets of data verification, content would be pooled across the network based on protocols, and then proprietary checks would be done on each of the table-hashes. These protocols preserve the digital rights granted to users, thereby preventing unauthorized manipulation of content in the Kentico CMS.
Author Validations
A Blockchain-based system is capable of evaluating and validating a writer’s bona fide, and determining the authenticity of the past work. A pilot project was used for the purpose, in which assets of Blockchain were used to evaluate pieces of content written on an online forum, submitted by the individual authors across the length and breadth of the CMS. The nature of evaluation relies on a data integrity principle built into Blockchain by default. Content posted by authors that do not meet the criteria, is subsequently eliminated.
Managing Digital Signatures
As digital signatures are distributed in the form of costly certificates, they are secured with encryption. Handling of digital documents and files by a third-party involves a deal of trust and implies a burden or cost. Blockchain can be leveraged to ensure the required level of ‘technologically secure’ confidence in the signatory authority with digital evaluation of their signatures on the CMS domain.
Framework for Royalties
Major content platforms such as Kentico have identified the crucial role of the royalty management system. These will be built using Blockchains to facilitate content rights allocation followed currently – in order to streamline, regulate, and ensure accuracy in distribution, copying, publication, and reproduction of content, along with consistent administrative workflow and all the more secure collaboration.
The R&D on digital content and copyrights continues, while Kentico is soon set to leverage Blockchain-as-a-service model for validating digital content, authorizing signatories, tracking digital rights, and regulating royalties.
About Raybiztech
Raybiztech is the Gold Partner for Kentico applications, enabling firms to build amazing websites and run robust marketing campaigns. We are focused at serving clients with an aim to fulfill dynamic marketing and e-commerce needs. As a CMMI Level 3 firm, Raybiztech combines the on-shore and off-shore strategy with quality principles to deliver client projects with least turnaround time and the maximum operational efficiency. As the Gold Partner, our teams access exclusive Kentico resources for meeting evolving needs and expectations of the clientele spread across several geographic locations.